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We attach great importance to customer feedback. After receiving an increasing number of comments about the ingredients and the associated transparency, we have taken action.

At BiOHY, we have developed a simple and effective rating system to make the sustainability of our cleaning products transparent. This system is not just for our products; you can also use it to rate other cleaning products. The overall rating is based on five criteria, each with a different weighting. Each criterion can achieve up to 100 points, and the sum of these points results in an overall rating of a maximum of 100 points.
The special thing about our system is its flexibility: you, as the customer, can adjust the weightings of the individual criteria according to your personal preferences and priorities. If certain aspects of sustainability are more important to you, you can give them more weight. In this way, our rating system adapts to your individual needs.
The weighting looks like this

Natural ingredients = 100 points:
products with only natural ingredients receive the highest score as they are considered environmentally friendly and safe for the user.
Label-free = 75 points:
Products without specific labeling requirements, but which may not be all-natural, receive a medium-high score.
Labeled = 50 points:
Products that are required to carry certain labeling due to their ingredients receive a lower score because they may be potentially less environmentally friendly or safe.
0 points:
Products that are classified as dangerous goods receive no points as they may be risky for the environment and health.

Certified (e.g. with Ecolabel or Blue Angel) = 100 points:
Products with these certificates meet high environmental standards in areas such as resource efficiency, emission reduction, health safety, recyclability and durability. These certificates confirm that the product meets strict ecological and health requirements.
Not certified = 0 points:
Without certification, there is no independent confirmation that the product takes into account environmentally friendly and health-safe practices. This does not necessarily mean that the product is harmful to the environment, but there is a lack of recognized confirmation.

Very economical (100 points):
Products that produce a lot of detergent from little concentrate (more than 25 units) are the most economical. They last longer, save on packaging and transportation and are more environmentally friendly thanks to their efficient use of ingredients.
High yield (75 points):
These products offer a good balance between performance and resource conservation (10-25 units). They reduce raw material and energy consumption and have a smaller environmental footprint.
Medium efficiency (50 points):
With medium efficiency (5-10 units), these products conserve resources compared to lower-yielding alternatives, but are less efficient than the highest-yielding products.
Less efficient (25 points):
Products that are used up quickly (1-5 units) cause more resource consumption and waste. They have the highest ecological footprint and the lowest score.

CO2-neutral production = 100 points:
Products that are manufactured in a completely CO2-neutral process are awarded full points. This means that the company has taken effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the manufacturing process. This includes the use of renewable energy, reduction of energy consumption and waste as well as compensation measures such as reforestation or investment in environmentally friendly technologies to achieve net zero CO2 emissions.
No CO2-neutral production = 0 points:
Products whose manufacturing process is not CO2 neutral do not receive any points. This includes situations where no sufficient measures have been taken to reduce or offset emissions. Non-CO2-neutral manufacturing indicates that the product and the manufacturing process contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions and thus cause a higher environmental impact.

Environmentally friendly packaging = 100 points:
Products that come in recyclable or biodegradable packaging receive full points. Recyclable packaging helps to reduce waste by allowing it to be fed back into the production cycle during the recycling process. Biodegradable packaging offers the advantage that it degrades after use without any long-term environmental impact. Both options help to minimize the environmental impact of packaging waste and promote more sustainable waste management.
Non-environmentally friendly packaging = 0 points:
Products sold in non-recyclable or non-biodegradable packaging do not receive any points. Such packaging contributes to increasing landfill and pollution as it often does not degrade effectively or releases harmful chemicals during disposal. Non-environmentally friendly packaging contradicts the principle of sustainability and increases the ecological footprint of the product.
The principle
To assess the sustainability of a cleaning product, you should evaluate each product according to our five criteria. For each criterion, you award points based on our scale. Then multiply the score for each criterion by its weighting.Then add these weighted scores together to get the total score. This total score gives you a clear overview of the environmental friendliness of the product.

Example calculation
If a product receives 75 points in the 'Ingredients' category (with a weighting of 30%) and 100 points in the 'Sustainable production' category (with a weighting of 5%), then calculate the weighted score as follows:
75 points x 30% = 22.5 points
Sustainable production:
100 points x 5% = 5 points
Add these weighted scores together with those of the other categories to determine the product's total score.